
GammaSwap Governance Framework


The GammaSwap DAO is responsible for the governance of the protocol. The introduction of governance represents a path to full decentralization of the protocol. GammaSwap governance initially will exist off chain using Snapshot and move on chain in the future using Tally.

Voting Power

A user's voting power is proportional to the amount of GS and esGS the wallet holds.

Proposals to the GammaSwap DAO

These are the following steps to successfully navigate a proposal from idea to implementation.

Phase 1: Conception In this initial phase, the proposer should seek community feedback on their idea within the #general channel on Discord. There should be at least 1-2 weeks of informal discussion and brainstorming in the community. The best proposals with strong positive reception are typically reviewed by multiple community members. Duration: At least 1-2 weeks Phase 2: Feedback

After seeking initial feedback from the community, the author(s) of the proposal can formally seek community input by creating a Request for Comment (RFC) using the template on the governance forum. The process can go through multiple drafts at this stage to incorporate communtiy feedback and refine the proposal accordingly.

Proposal Format:

  • Summary

  • Motivation

  • Rationale

  • Conclusion

Duration: Unspecified

Phase 3: Voting

When sufficient, proposals can move to Snapshot where community members can vote directly on proposals based on their token balances. A proposal will succeed if it hits quorom and has at least a 51% majority.

  • Quorum: 20%

  • Minimum token threshold for submitting proposals: 5,000

  • Voting window duration: 5 days

If a proposal passes on Snapshot, the DAO can initiate a veto proposal within 14 days to nullify the previous GammaSwap Improvement Proposal (GIP).

Last updated